El Paraiso - Colombia
El Paraiso
Taste Story
This delicious washed process coffee from Ernedis Rodriguez is sweet, vibrant and lightly crisp. The body of this coffee is clean and velvety providing a canvas for the stone fruit sweetness to shine. You’ll think back to eating your favorite bag of peach ring gummies. For some bold berry flavors will be undeniable. Sweet and fresh strawberries for some, and raspberries for others. In the finish you’ll find that crispness from a just opened soda with some grape sensations. You’ll find plenty to adore when drinking this amazing coffee.
Processing Journey
The ripest cherries are sent to the wet mill for processing. Upon arrival they are floated in water to detect defective cherries. After this crucial step, the cherries are de-pupled and then dry fermented for 84 hours. After this fermentation period the cherries are thoroughly washed, and then laid to dry in a greenhouse for 18-25 days.
Farmer Profile
Ernedis Rodriguez has worked tirelessly to improve his farm and quality of coffee. For years Ernedis did much of his cultivation manually, but success has allowed him to invest in modern cultivation tools. He now uses a wet-mill that auto sorts and floats coffee cherries prior to de-pulping. Ernedis success is a testament to hard work and dedication to one's craft.
Country of Origin: Colombia
Region: Huila
Farm:El Paraiso
Processing Method: Washed
Varietal: Caturra, Sidra, & Chiroso
Elevation:1,840 MASL
We Taste: Peach Rings Candy, Fresh Strawberries, & Grape Soda
Photos courtesy of The Coffee Quest
We roast orders on Tuesdays and Wednesdays & ship out on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.