Daniel Moreno purchased  the La Sierra farm in 1963 with the goal of producing great quality coffee. After a bit of success he was able to purchase the El Campo farm in 1980 to further build a legacy for his family. Don Daniel’s seven sons now manage production at both farms. They carry on their fathers legacy with a commitment to sound harvesting and processing techniques.  These techniques produce clean, clear, fresh and fruity coffee for everyone to enjoy. 

Being in the business since 1963 gives them plenty of insights on how to navigate challenges to producing high quality coffee. The highest areas of their region, Santa Barbara, can experience freezing in the growing process. This means temperatures between 4-5 C and rainfall combine to cause cherries to not ripen and leaves that die on the bush. These conditions create a cold and humid climate that is not ideal for processing coffee. Since 1963, the Moreno family has accumulated the knowledge to navigate these conditions and still produce delicious coffee. They have consistently found ways to manage the tricky drying process in a tropical environment 

In addition to navigating the intricacies of their local climate, the Moreno family has had to find ways to be a consistently economically viable smallholder producer. The agricultural business has been rough on small lot holders but the Moreno family has managed to create a thriving specialty coffee business in addition to farming bananas and plantains. 

Our roasting team, led by Amy Ewing, have really captured the spirit of what Honduran coffee has to offer. This Daniel Moreno lot from their El Campo farm is sweet, crisp and has a rich mouthfeel. This is a wonderful coffee for drip brewing styles as you'll encounter luscious texture and bold flavors. 


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