The AeroPress was designed by Alan Adler to produce a great singular cup of coffee. Since its introduction in 2004 it has become one of the most popular brewing methods for coffee enthusiasts, and those looking for a simple way to make delicious coffee. Its popularity has even spawned the World AeroPress Championships, a competition that honors Adler’s commitment to a great cup of coffee. 

The AeroPress is an immersion style brewer that uses aeration and pressure to brew. After the coffee steeps the plunge system aerates and extracts the best and freshest flavors. A process that happens in about a minute, making it an efficient brewing method. This compact and versatile brewer can be used to make a standard cup of coffee or a concentrated espresso style. Since its introduction it has inspired hobbyists to find new and exciting ways to use its immersion brew method. But its ease of use allows everyone to get the best out of the brewer.

We’re offering the new clear version, and the travel inspired “Go”  for your brewing pleasure.

AeroPress Brewing in a Few Easy Steps 

  1. Add a filter to the metal cap, attach to the chamber and place over your favorite mug. 
  2. Add Medium-fine ground coffee, shake to level off and then pour water until it reaches your target number on the chamber. Pour to 3 or 4 for a standard cup of coffee. Use 1 or 2 for more concentrated brew. 
  3. Stir the contents of the chambers and then allow the mixture to rest for up to 30 seconds.
  4. Apply gentle and constant pressure to the plunger to press your coffee into the mug. 

*When using the AeroPress be very mindful of the grind size as anything too coarse will drain faster resulting in a weak brew.

Keep scrolling for a collection of information to get your AeroPress brewing journey started. 


Tetsu Kasuya's 2015 Japan Brewers Cup winning recipe. 

A collection of 5 great AeroPress recipes from the Coffee Chronicler. 

The Art of the AeroPress from pro baristas. 


